
What are the common folk toys

2019-11-28  727

What are the categories of folk toys

1. Seasonal toys: seasonal toys refer tothe corresponding toys in a specific Festival, which usually have strongtimeliness and are closely combined with folk activities. They are an importantpart of folk activities. The festival toys mainly include horse lantern andXiao shaped lantern used in the Lantern Festival. The lotus lamp used in theZhongyuan Festival, the firecrackers and fireworks used in the Spring Festival.The sachet, cloth tiger, AI Ren and Wusi whistle used in the Dragon BoatFestival. The rabbit Festival used in the Mid Autumn Festival. A kite used inthe Qingming Festival. Winter solstice used by the "nine nine coldmap" and so on.

2. Observation toys: observation toys referto those toys whose main function is to decorate the environment. They usuallyhave a simple decorative meaning and focus on the description of the content,which has a certain enlightenment and educational significance. For example,carving toys of various materials -- wood carving, stone carving, stonecarving, etc. Plastic toys -- clay figurines, dough figurines, plasticfigurines, wax figurines, etc.

3. Audio toys: Audio toys specificallyrefer to toys that can emit audio, which have strong entertainment andstimulation, are suitable for young children and have a wide range ofmaterials. Audio toys mainly include ceramic whistle, porcelain whistle, claywhistle, diabolo, earth axis, plop Deng, glass horn, rattle drum, aid call,flower stick hammer, small gongs and drums, small musical instruments, etc.

4. Educational toys: the main function ofthese toys is to inspire wisdom and stimulate brain activity, with stronglogic, mathematical, competitive and entertainment. Educational toys mainlyinclude jigsaw puzzle, educational map, card, Huarong Road, jiulianhuan, snakering, flower basket ring, Kong mingsuo, Chupu, rearrangement of nine palaces,etc.

5. Fitness toys: mainly for outdooractivities, including some functions of sports equipment, which have exerciseeffect on human body, and are entertaining and competitive. Fitness toys mainlyinclude Cuju, tiaoshuo, Tiehuan, keyzi, swing, throwing pot, etc.

6. Practical toys: practical toys refer totoys with practical functions for daily life, which can be used as clothing,bedding and food in addition to entertainment, such as cloth tiger pillow,tiger head cap, Xiao shaped sleeve, sugar man, sugar Bodhisattva, Xiangchuan,Mianhua, etc.

What are the common folk toys

1. Kites: the earliest kites were not toys,but used for military and communication. In the late Tang Dynasty, because somepeople added strings to kites, when the wind blew, they made sounds likezither, so there was the name "Kite". Kites are made of thin bamboosticks, pasted with bright paper or silk, and then painted. In Song Dynasty,flying kites on Qingming Festival became a favorite activity.

2. Diabolo: diabolo, also known as"shake buzz", is a famous folk toy. Two small bamboo sticks are usedto tie the line, which are wrapped on the wooden shaft to shake. The Diabolorotates at a high speed and makes a sound. As early as the end of Ming Dynasty,the Diabolo in Beijing has become a toy in spring. People shake the Diabolo inthe Hutong and the courtyard, and the melodious and pleasant sounds rise andfall in Beijing.

3. Cloth tiger: cloth tiger is a kind ofhandicraft that has been widely spread among Chinese people in ancient times.It is also a good children's toy, indoor decoration, gift and personalcollection. It is a kind of folk handicraft with local flavor. In Chinese mind,tiger is a symbol of exorcism, disaster avoidance, peace and auspiciousness,but also to protect wealth. It reposes people's yearning and pursuit for abetter life, so it has been widely loved by people up to now.

4. Mud call: mud call is a kind of whistlethat can be blown. It is colorful, black, bright and good-looking after beingpainted with oil. It is suitable for children to play. There are many kinds ofmud calls, such as bird whistle, fish whistle, pig whistle, etc.

5. Rattle: it was originally an ancientmusical instrument, but later it lost the role of playing music and became atoy for children. A rattle is a small drum that makes its sound by a small balltied to both sides. The shape of the rattle drum varies in different areas,from waist drum to flat drum to four drums. The rattle drum is high, low, loudand pleasant.

6. Tao Xiangqiu: Tao Xiangqiu is animportant primitive musical instrument and the earliest sound toy. Theunearthed pottery rattle balls are all ceramic balls, the middle of which isempty, and there are marbles or sand grains inside, which make a loud soundwhen shaking.